What do I do in life?
If the article is too long for you, skip down to the conclusion.
Most people from Millennial generation don’t have an idea on what do in life. I believe the reason for that is one of the two:
1. They lack any ambition in life and business due to constant suffering and don’t have energy to rise above it to see beyond their current situation.
2. They have been blessed with wealthy parents (not necessarily wealthy but with a steady paycheck that allows them to go on vacations, buy cars, give allowance, pay for school and so on…)
The first group needs a hand to help them stand up and see that the only way to change their current position is to move. Most of the time the movement includes reading, studying and really trying to change your current habits. Get up early, and start reading anything, and I promise you will find life paths that you are comfortable heading.
The second group needs to think similarly. They should ask themselves what will happen after they are left alone, maybe even with their kids that will be relying on them. Will you fight that situation with your knowledge or with a shovel?
Dear reader, know that mental power goes far beyond what your body can take. If you go after knowledge, and put it in use, your future vision of you will have much more sense.
How to decide what to do in life?
Well don’t think that you will be able to find what you love doing unless you actually start doing something. Some will find their niche after their first attempt whereas some will need more attempts. Don’t think you know what’s out there unless you have read about it. So going back to my first advice, start reading. You can read other people’s biographies and start with those that you already know about, who have contributed to our society. Take Elon Musk as an example. I just discovered a great website that does infographics about people’s lives with detailed explanation of each larger milestone. Have a look at it yourself http://fundersandfounders.com/how-elon-musk-started/
Start asking questions
You know when people say that the answer lies within you. I found that to be true. The other day I ran into this answer on Quora that is a real gold and found it to be extremely true.
Other that this, you have to constantly ask yourself because surprisingly, very little people actually know themselves. I found myself not knowing some basic answers about my life, and this is not something that you can just memorize. You know that the real answer and worthy of following is the one coming from your heart.
What does this mean in simple words?
Well this means that when asked a question about your future, for example, you are able to visualize your success and bring the emotion from that visualization to your present, pouring it out of your heart through your mouth. I think this is as close as it can be described.
Don’t let other people’s thoughts shape you
I can’t point out enough how important is to seek an advice from people, but today, everyone seems to have an advice and you just don’t have enough time to compile all of them. Pick the ones that come from people with experience. In order to take an advice from someone, they have to have a reference to that experience. All the other advices might just come out of wrong reasons, like for example to hurt you, to pull you down and break your spirit, just out of jealousy. So be careful.
Making on your own
I once wrote about the importance of small goals in What I learned from jogging. No matter how big your decision is, it is just worth much more when you pull the plug on your own. So, taking advice, taking your previous experience into consideration and mixing it up to make your own conclusion and sticking to it, is priceless. At least if you fail, it is likely that you will learn more lessons than you would if someone else pressured you into that decision. On the other hand, if you succeed, you will be much more proud and motivated to start going into bigger battles.
Don’t be bullied by other people’s thoughts
If you were too lazy to read the whole article, I will write a brief summary here with all the ideas from this post.
1. You have to constantly question yourself about the things that you know, and the ones that you don’t know, but need to know. By repeating this daily you will raise new questions and find new answers and everything will be directing you to finding who you are and what makes you feel good in your skin. Then go and start doing it.
2. Read other people’s biographies and see how they succeeded and what they were thinking about at different stages of their life. A good resource on this is http://fundersandfounders.com/how-elon-musk-started/
3. You will never reach your destination if you throw rocks at every barking dog on your route. The faster you walk, the faster they will stay behind.
4. Have your own victory!
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