Hey Danny,
I loved the article. Got me to think, since I am on a similar path, with mastery in programming, then leaning towards being a polymath in the area of (intra)personal development, health / bodily kinesthetic.
There are a couple of small typos, that you probably overlooked while being excited for this to publish.
- Learning to lean is put twice on the list
and “And the good new is: the world has a place for you in it no matter”, maybe you meant news ?
One thing I did in order to challenge myself is to train and run half-marathons. One time I ran, I had one training behind me, completely un-prepared. Anyone who wants to read this can find it here https://medium.com/@adnanxteam/what-goes-in-the-head-of-unprepared-half-marathoner-while-racing-d585298f7c6
So I think testing yourself physically is the quickest thing to get to know yourself and see who you are under pressure.
No need to wait for a year to work on a big project and be put in the corner, against the wall to inspect your thoughts. And I am guessing this will work best for someone who is weaker in bodily kinesthetic.
And last question, have you considered making a podcast ?